Jury Management

The Jury Management Department

- Clerk of Court – Computer Selecting and processing of subpoenas – $5.00 per summons, minimum $1000.00
- Sheriff’s Department – Issuing subpoena’s to perspective jurors $11.00 per summons, minimum of $2200.00
Note: After the trial is concluded and the judge has rendered a verdict, whoever is cast with cost, that being the plaintiff or defendant, must also pay for the additional costs associated with jurors having served.
If you are subpoenaed as a juror, you receive $12.00 per day plus mileage. Mileage is based on $0.16 per mile traveled to and from their residence if out of the Crowley city limits.
If you are subpoenaed as a witness, you receive $8.00 per day plus mileage.
Jurors, witnesses, and police officers are paid their service fees once all court costs have been met by the person/persons cast with these cost.
Petit and Grand jury are handled little differently than that of civil. They are as follows:
Petit Jury
- These juries are picked on an as need basis. When selected to serve on a petit jury, you will hear that particular case and that case only.
- Jurors are paid by the Acadia Parish Police Jury for all petit cases. Their rate of pay is the same as above.
Grand Jury
- These jurors are picked twice a year and serve 6 month terms. They are selected in the months of March and September.
- Jurors are paid by the Acadia Parish Police Jury. Their rate of pay is also the same as above. These jurors serve on an as-need basis.
The perspective jurors is usually seated in the hallways of the third floor Courthouse and in the courtroom. No smoking is permitted in the Courthouse, but smoking areas are permitted at each entrance to the Courthouse
There are five qualifications that a potential juror must meet in order to serve on a jury. They are as follows:
- Be a citizen of the United States and of Louisiana who has resided in Acadia Parish for at least one year immediately preceding your jury service.
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be able to read, write, speak the English language and, possess sufficient knowledge of the language.
- Not be under interdiction or incapable of serving as a juror because of a mental or physical infirmity. (A written medical excuse from your doctor is required)
- Not be under indictment for a felony nor have been convicted of a felony and not been pardoned.
If you do not meet these qualifications, please call the Jury Office at (337)788-8881 immediately. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, except legal holidays. Along with qualifications, there are two exemptions which may be claimed. You may claim an exemption if:
- You have performed Jury Service in the Fifteenth Judicial Court within the last two years of your reporting date.
- Seventy years of age and older.
If you wish to claim one of these two exemptions, you must send a letter to the appropriate Judge as indicated on your subpoena explaining your circumstances. Include you address and a daytime phone number. Please note, no exemptions or postponements can be granted after the Wednesday preceding your first day of service. The court will make a decision on your claim of exemption and will notify you. A juror receives a daily payment of $12.00 for service plus mileage. Payment is mailed to you via first class mail after service.
For more information about the Jury Management Department, please call (337)788-8881.
We’re Ready to Help You

Clerk's Office Information
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Fax 1st Floor: (337) 783-3855
Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Office Location
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Phone : (337)788-8881 | Fax 1st Floor:(337) 783-3855 | Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm