Official Results for the March 24, 2012 Presidential Preference Primary

Presidential Nominees – Democratic Party

“Bob” Ely

131 10.58%
Barack Obama 693 55.98%
Darcy G. Richardson 116 9.37%
John Wolfe 298 24.07%

Presidential Nominees – Republican Party

Michele Bachman

2 0.11%
Randy Crow 0 0.00%
Newt Gingrich 271 14.96%
Jon Huntsman 4 0.22%
Ron Paul 66 3.64%
Rick Perry 8 0.44%
Charles “Buddy” Roemer 6 0.33%
Mitt Romney 358 19.76%
Rick Santorum 1097 60.54%

Official Results for the April 21, 2012 Election

Town of Church Point Proposition (Sales Tax)

Summary: 1% sales and use tax of the Town of Church Point to be levied in perpetuity with the proceeds to be used to support law enforcement in the Town.


432 72.49%
No 164 27.51%

School District #7 Proposition (Tax Renewal)

Summary: 10 year, 6.25 mills tax renewal for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving public school facilities in the District.


19 61.29%
No 12 38.71%

Official Results for the May 19, 2012 Election

City of Crowley Tax Proposition (Sales Tax)

Summary: One-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) 15-year sales and use tax for acquiring, constructing, maintaining and improving infrastructure and capital improvements within the City, with the proceeds of the Tax to be subject to funding into bonds.


591 65%
No 316 35%

Official Results for the November 6, 2012 Election

Presidential Electors

Romney/Ryan – Republican

19931 74.27%
Obama/Biden – Democrat 6560 24.44%
Johnson/Gray – Libertarian 144 0.53%
Stein/Honkala – Green 101 0.37%
Goode/Clymer – Constitution 26 0.09%
Tittle/Turner – We the People 24 0.08%
Anderson/Rodriguez – Justice 23 0.08%
Lindsay/Osorio – Socialism/Lib. 9 0.03%
Fellure/Davis – Prohibition 8 0.02%
White/Scherrer – Socialist Equality 7 0.02%
Harris/Kennedy – Socialist Workers 2 0.00%

U.S. Representative – 3rd Congressional District

Charles Boustany Jr. (R)

14892 59.49%
“Jeff” Landry (R) 6586 26.31%
“Ron” Richard (D) 2988 11.93%
Bryan Barrilleaux (R) 403 1.61%
“Jim” Stark (L) 162 0.64%

Mayor – City of Rayne (Special ELection)

“Chuck” Robichaux (R)

1618 44.38%
Roland Boudreaux (D) 1343 36.85%
Cheryl Richard (D) 684 18.77%

Parish of Acadia Mosquito Control 1/4% Sales Tax (Excluding Crowley and Rayne)

Summary: One-fourth of one percent (1/4%) sales and use tax renewal for a period of 10 years to be dedicated and used for the purpose of paying the cost of maintaining and operating a mosquito control program within Mosquito Control Sales Tax District #3, including the cost of acquiring land, buildings and equipment necessary in connection therewith, with the authority to fund the proceeds of the tax into bonds to pay the cost of capital improvements for such purposes.


10408 67.16%
No 5089 32.84%

Parish of Acadia School Board District Term Limits

Summary: Shall the number of terms of office that any member of the school board may serve be limited to three consecutive four (4) year terms.


17522 74.72%
No 5927 25.28%

Fire Protection District #8 Proposition – Parcel Fee Renewal

Summary: Authority to renew a 10 year, $25.00 parcel fee for acquiring facilities and equipment, including paying the cost of obtaining water, for fire protection purposes and all purposes incidental thereto, and to fund the proceeds of said parcel fee into bonds to pay the costs of capital improvements.


558 76.54%
No 171 23.46%

City of Eunice – Tax Continuation (Multi-parish)

Summary: 10 year, 5 mills property tax continuation for the purposes of maintaining and keeping in repair the streets in the City of Eunice.


105 77.77%
No 30 22.23%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #1 – Medicaid Elderly Trust Fund

Summary: Do you support an amendment to prohibit monies in the Medicaid Trust Fund for the elderly from being used or appropriated for other purposes when adjustments are made to eliminate a state deficit?


18288 74.32%
No 6317 25.68%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #2 – Right to Bear Arms

Summary: Do you support to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana to provide that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right and any restriction of that right requires the highest standard of review by a court?


19771 79.97%
No 4949 20.03%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #3 – Prefiling for Retirement

Summary: Do you support an amendment to require legislation effecting any change to laws concerning retirement systems for public employees that is to be prefiled to be filed no later than forty-five (45) days before the start of a regular legislative session and to require the completion of public notice requirements regarding legislation effecting such a change no later than sixty days before introduction of the bill?


13426 57.32%
No 9993 42.68%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #4 – Veteran Homestead Exemption

Summary: Do you support an amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation, in addition to the homestead exemption, the next seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) of value of property owned and occupied by the spouse of a deceased veteran with a service-connected disability rating of one hundred percent (100%) who passed away prior to the enactment of the exemption?


17118 72.79%
No 6397 27.21%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #5 – Public Official Forfeiture

Summary: Do you support an amendment to provide for the forfeiture of public retirement benefits by any public servant who is convicted of a felony associated with and committed during his public service?


17108 71.62%
No 6776 28.38%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #6 -New Iberia Property Annexation Exemption

Summary: Do you support an amendment to authorize the granting of ad valorem tax exemption contracts by the city of New Iberia for property annexed by the city after January 1, 2013?


8918 39.54%
No 13638 60.46%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #7 – Filling Vacancies

Summary: Do you support an amendment, relative to the membership of constitutional boards and commissions that have members who are selected from congressional districts, to retain the existing number of members and to provide for implementation of membership from reapportioned congressional districts by filling vacancies first from under-represented districts and then from the state at large? 


14575 63.98%
No 8204 36.02%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #8 – State Bid Tax Exempt Contract

Summary: Do you support an amendment to authorize the granting of ad valorem exemption contracts by the Board of Commerce and Industry for businesses located in parishes which have chosen to participate in a program established for the granting of such contracts?


11773 52.16%
No 10796 47.84%

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #9 – Security/Parcel District Fee

Summary: Do you support an amendment to provide that no law relative to the creation of a special district, the primary purpose of which includes aiding in crime prevention and security by providing for an increased presence of law enforcement personnel in the district or otherwise promoting and encouraging security in the district, shall be enacted unless three separate notices of the proposed law are published at least thirty days prior to introduction of the bill, which notice shall set forth the substance of the proposed law and whether the governing authority of the special district would be authorized to impose and collect a parcel fee within the district, whether the parcel fee will be imposed or may be increased without an election, and the maximum amount of such fee?


11733 52.21%
No 10737 47.79%

Official Results for the December 8, 2012 Election

U.S. Representative – 3rd Congressional District

Charles W. Boustany Jr. (R)

7275 72.20%
“Jeff” Landry (R) 2801 27.80%

Mayor – City of Rayne (Special Election Run-off)

Roland Boudreaux

1355 50.24%
“Chuck” Robichaux 1342 49.76%

Village of Mermentau – 20 Year Bond for Water

Summary: Authority for the  Village of Mermentau, State of Louisiana, to issue not exceeding $1,000,000 of up to 20-year public improvement bonds for acquiring, constructing and installing improvements, extensions and additions to the drinking water system of the Village, said bonds to be payable from ad valorem taxes, with the estimated millage rate to be 12.42 mills in the first year of issue.


69 82.14%
No 15 17.85%
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