Official Results for the February 9th, 2008 election are as follows:
This includes provisional votes casts and counted.
Republican Presidential Nominee (Nationwide) |
Jerry Curry |
5 | 0.36% |
Daniel Gilbert | 4 | 0.29% |
Rudolph W. Giuliani | 8 | 0.58% |
“Mike” Huckabee | 659 | 47.78% |
Duncan Hunter | 5 | 0.36% |
Alan Keyes | 8 | 0.58% |
John McCain | 550 | 39.55% |
Ron Paul | 51 | 3.67% |
Mitt Romney | 79 | 5.69% |
“Tom” Tancredo | 1 | 0.07% |
Fred Thompson | 19 | 1.37% |
Democratic Presidential Nominee (Nationwide) |
“Joe” Biden |
100 | 2.27% |
Hillary Clinton | 2030 | 46.14% |
Christopher J. Dodd | 32 | 0.73% |
John Edwards | 213 | 4.84% |
Dennis J. Kucinich | 15 | 0.34% |
Barack Obama | 1958 | 44.48% |
William “Bill” Richardson | 53 | 1.20% |
Republican State Central Committee |
Catherine Bercier |
165 | 47.14% |
Keith Lamm | 185 | 52.86% |
Town of Church Point – Sales Tax PropositionSummary: One percent (1%) sales and use tax with the proceeds to be dedicated and used for the purposes of (I) 40% for acquiring, constructing, improving, operating and maintaining public parks and recreation facilities, including the acquisition of furnishings and equipment therefor; (II) 30% for maintaining, improving and operating the Town’s Police Department, including the construction of buildings, the acquisition of equipment and facilities therefor, and paying the salaries and benefits of department employees; and (III) 30% for the payment of capital improvements to public streets and sidewalks with the proceeds of the tax to be subject to being funded into bonds. |
Yes |
274 | 35.22% |
No | 504 | 64.78% |
Official Results for the March 8th, 2008 election are as follows:
Parish-wide Proposition #1 (continuation) – Acadia Parish School BoardSummary: 10-Year 15.02 Mill Property Tax for the support of the public schools in the parish. |
Yes |
2227 | 78.55% |
No | 608 | 21.44% |
Parish-wide Proposition #2 (continuation) – Acadia Parish School BoardSummary: 10-Year 5.01 Mill Property Tax for the support of the public schools in the parish to maintain school buildings. |
Yes |
2210 | 78.53% |
No | 604 | 21.46 |
Town of Basile Proposition (Multi-parish)Summary: Authority for the Town of Basile, Parishes of Acadia and Evangeline (the “Town”) to levy a 25 year, 19.95 mills property tax for acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving, extending, maintaining and operating works of public improvements. |
Yes |
0 | 0.00% |
No | 2 | 100.00% |
Official Results for the July 19th, 2008 election are as follows:
Parish-wide Proposition #1 (continuation) – Law Enforcement DistrictSummary: Authority to levy a 9 mills tax for a period of 5 years for the purpose of providing additional funding for the Acadia Parish Law Enforcement District which shall include (a) paying the salaries and benefits of deputies, (b) acquiring, operating and maintaining vehicles and communications equipment, and (c) providing additional funding for operations and training. |
Yes |
1255 | 16.98% |
No | 6135 | 83.02% |
Town of Church Point – 1% Sales and Use TaxSummary: One percent sales and use tax with the proceeds to be dedicated and used for any lawful corporate purpose, including the operation of senior citizen programs and to pay the cost of constructing and maintaining capital improvements, said tax to be in lieu of and replace a seven (7) mills ad valorem tax now being levied for general purposes, with the proceeds of the tax to be subject to being funded into bonds. |
Yes |
353 | 45.37% |
No | 425 | 54.63% |
Fire Protection District #3 Parcel Fee PropositionSummary: Authority to levy a 10 year parcel fee of $25 per lot, portion of ground or tract in the district upon which is located a structure, in whole or in part, a residential or commercial structure, whether occupied or unoccupied for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities and equipment, including the cost of obtaining water. |
Yes |
197 | 66.55% |
No | 99 | 33.45% |
Fire Protection District #3 – 5.13 Mills Renewal PropositionSummary: 10 Year, 5.13 Mills property tax continuation for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and/or operating fire protection facilities and equipment, including the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, and all purposes incidental thereto. |
Yes |
156 | 54.36% |
No | 131 | 45.64% |
Official Results for the October 4, 2008 election are as follows:
Crowley City Judge |
Lyle O. Fogleman, Jr. (D) |
1573 | 31.92% |
Kim Hayes (D) | 1558 | 31.63% |
Marie Elise “M’elise” Trahan (D) | 1796 | 36.45% |
Justice of the Peace – Ward 2 |
Wayne Doucet (D) |
213 | 67.83% |
Timothy Ware (O) | 101 | 32.17% |
Fire Protection District No. 2 Proposition – Millage ContinuationSummary: 10 year, 7.08 mills property tax continuation for constructing, acquiring, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities and equipment in the District and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes. |
Yes |
73 | 85.88% |
No | 12 | 14.12% |
Fire Protection District No. 9 Proposition – Millage RenewalSummary: 10 year, 10 mills property tax renewal for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and/or operating fire protection facilities and equipment in the District, including fire trucks, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes. |
Yes |
593 | 84.95% |
No | 105 | 15.05% |
Sixth Ward & Crowley Drainage District Proposition – Tax RenewalSummary: 10 year, 5 mills property tax renewal for constructing, improving, maintaining and operating the drainage facilities in the District. |
Yes |
2310 | 53.57% |
No | 2018 | 46.63% |
Official Results for the November 4, 2008 election are as follows:
Crowley City Judge |
Lyle O. Fogleman, Jr. (D) |
3592 | 46.01% |
Marie Elise “M’elise” Trahan (D) | 4214 | 53.99% |
President and Vice President of the United States of America (Nationwide) |
Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic Party |
7028 | 26.32% |
Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green Party | 182 | .69% |
John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican Party | 19229 | 71.99% |
Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle Constitution Party | 35 | .13% |
Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent | 117 | .44% |
“Ron” Paul/Barry Goldwater Jr. Louisiana Taxpayers Party | 101 | .37% |
Gene Amondson/Leroy Pletten Prohibition | 6 | .02% |
Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear Socialism and Liberation | 4 | .01% |
James Harris/Alyson Kennedy Socialist Workers Party | 9 | .03% |
United States Senator (Statewide) |
Mary Landrieu (D) |
11383 | 43.59% |
Richard Fontanesi (L) | 283 | 1.09% |
John Kennedy (R) | 14090 | 53.95% |
“Jay” Patel (no party) | 206 | .78% |
Robert Stewart | 155 | .59% |
U.S. Congressional Representative (Multi-parish) |
Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R) |
17531 | 67.89% |
Donald “Don” Cravins, Jr. (D) | 7190 | 27.85% |
Peter Vidrine | 1102 | 4.26% |
Constitutional Amendment #1Summary: To impose term limits for members of certain state boards and commissions. |
For |
14676 | 65.59% |
Against | 7697 | 34.41% |
Constitutional Amendment #2Summary: To require that the call for a special legislative session be issued at least seven calendar days prior to the start of the session. |
For |
12005 | 54.48% |
Against | 10030 | 45.52% |
Constitutional Amendment #3Summary: To allow the Legislature to appoint a temporary successor for any legislator called to active military duty that prevents performance of the duties of office. |
For |
13018 | 59.08% |
Against | 9013 | 40.92% |
Constitutional Amendment #4Summary: To dedicate additional state severance taxes to parishes of origin, restrict the use of a portion of these funds and dedicate a portion of severance taxes collected on state lands to the Atchafalaya Basin Conservation Fund. |
For |
9868 | 44.98% |
Against | 12073 | 55.02% |
Constitutional Amendment #5Summary: To allow homeowners the ability to transfer any special property tax assessment level to their new home when their property is sold to or expropriated by the state, federal, or local government. |
For |
8988 | 41.64% |
Against | 12593 | 58.36% |
Constitutional Amendment #6Summary: To remove the requirement that public authorities first offer expropriated property back to its prior owner before the property can be sold to a third party if the property was taken to remove a threat to public health or safety and was held for less than 30 years. It would also remove the requirement that such property be sold by public bid and eliminate the opportunity for certain property owners to challenge surplus takings. |
For |
8527 | 39.54% |
Against | 13036 | 60.46% |
Constitutional Amendment #7Summary: To allow public funds reserved for non-pension, post-employment benefits to be invested in stocks. |
For |
8043 | 36.95% |
Against | 13723 | 63.05% |