Official Results for the January 15, 2005 election are as follows:
Off-track Wagering Proposition (Statewide)Summary: To authorize the licensing of off-track wagering facilities in the parish of Acadia, State of Louisiana. |
Yes |
1364 | 23.84% |
No | 4357 | 76.16% |
Town of Iota – Proposition #1 Street Maintenance and TaxSummary: To authorize the Town of Iota to levy and collect a five (5) mill tax, annually for a period of ten (10) years for the purpose of constructing and maintaining streets, roads, highways and avenues within the said town. |
Yes |
68 | 50.00% |
No | 68 | 50.00% |
Town of Iota – Proposition #2 Bridge and Drainage Maintenance TaxSummary: To authorize the Town of Iota to levy and collect a five (5) mill tax, annually for a period of ten (10) years for the purpose of maintaining public buildings; constructing, improving and maintaining bridges and the drainage system within said town. |
Yes |
66 | 49.25% |
No | 68 | 50.75% |
Official Results for the April 23, 2005 election are as follows:
City of Eunice – Proposition Tax Renewal (Multi-parish)Summary: 10 Year, 2.11 Mills property tax renewal for constructing, improving, maintaining and operating sewers and sewer collection and treatment facilities for said city. |
Yes |
10 | 31.25% |
No | 22 | 68.75% |
Official Results for the July 16, 2005 election are as follows:
Town of Iota – Tax Continuation Proposition #1Summary: To authorize the Town of Iota to levy and collect a Five (5) Mill Tax (renewal), annually for a period of yen (10) years for the purpose of constructing and maintaining streets, roads, highways, and avenues within the said town. |
Yes |
83 | 58.86% |
No | 58 | 41.14% |
Town of Iota – Tax Continuation Proposition #2Summary: To authorize the Town of Iota to levy and collect a five (5) Mill Tax (renewal), annually for a period of ten (10) years for the purpose of maintaining public buildings, improving and maintaining bridges and the drainage system within the said town. |
Yes |
79 | 57.66% |
No | 58 | 42.44% |
Gravity Drainage District #1 – Tax Continuation Proposition #1Summary: 10 Year, 8.56 Mills property tax continuation for constructing, improving, maintaining and operating gravity drainage works within said district, including the acquisition of equipment therefor. |
Yes |
121 | 76.10% |
No | 38 | 23.90% |
Gravity Drainage District #1 – Tax Continuation Proposition #2Summary: 10 Year, 8 Mills property tax continuation for acquiring, constructing, maintaining or operating gravity drainage works within and for the District. |
Yes |
118 | 75.64% |
No | 38 | 24.36% |
Official Results for the October 15, 2005 election are as follows:
Iota Fire Protection District of Acadia – Tax Continuation Proposition #1Summary: 10 Year, 10.60 Mills Property Tax continuation for maintaining and operating fire protection facilities, purchasing fire trucks, and other fire fighting equipment, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes. |
Yes |
276 | 95.17% |
No | 14 | 4.83% |
Iota Fire Protection District of Acadia – Tax Continuation Proposition #2Summary: 10 Year, 11.49 Mills Property Tax (Heretofore levied for the purpose of paying debt service on the general obligation bonds, series 1996, of the district) for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining, and/or operating fire protection facilities and equipment for the district, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, said tax to be in addition to any other taxes now being levied by the district for such purposes. |
Yes |
269 | 93.72% |
No | 18 | 6.28% |
Acadia-Evangeline Fire Protection District – Millage ContinuationSummary: 10 Year, 4.24 Mills Property Tax, Continuation for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating, Acadia-Evangeline Fire Protection District Facility, including equipment, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection. |
Yes |
55 | 98.21% |
No | 1 | 1.79% |
Bayou des Cannes-Nezpique Gravity Drainage District – Millage RenewalSummary: 10 Year, 8 Mills Property Tax renewal for maintaining and/or operating the districts drainage works. |
Yes |
177 | 95.67% |
No | 8 | 4.33% |
Village of Estherwood – Special Election for Alderman |
John Monceaux |
68 | 68.68% |
Hillard Myers | 31 | 31.32% |