Official Results for the January 17, 2004 election are as follows:
Acadia Parish School Board – 1/2% Sales & Use Tax for Teacher SupplementSummary: Authority to to levy and collect an additional 1/2% sales and use tax to be used exclusively for the purpose of supplementing the salaries of teachers and other school employees, including the payment of benefits directly related to the salary supplement funded by this tax. |
No |
3388 | 52.58% |
Yes | 3056 | 47.42% |
City of Rayne – 10 Year 5 Mills RenewalSummary: 10 Year, 5 Mills Property Tax Renewal for constructing, maintaining and operating playgrounds and recreation centers for the City of Rayne, Louisia. |
Yes |
637 | 68.42% |
No | 294 | 31.58% |
Official Results for the March 9, 2004 election are as follows:
Presidential Nominee – Republican Party (Nationwide) |
George W. Bush |
465 | 95.68% |
“Bill” Wyatt | 21 | 4.32% |
Presidential Nominee – Democratic Party (Nationwide) |
Wesley K. Clark |
86 | 4.87% |
Howard Dean | 94 | 5.32% |
John Edwards | 396 | 22.41% |
John F. Kerry | 1100 | 62.25% |
Dennis J. Kucinich | 18 | 1.02% |
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. | 18 | 1.02% |
“Bill” McGaughey | 55 | 3.11% |
Member of Republican State Central Committee 41st Representative District, Sub-district B |
Gregory Fruge |
11 | 45.83% |
Russell Pavich |
13 | 54.17% |
Member of Democratic State Central Committee 41st Representative District |
Gladney L. “Mike” Manuel, Jr. |
355 | 57.17% |
Barry K. Soileau | 266 | 42.83% |
Parish-wide Library Tax Proposition (Tax Continuation)Summary: 10 Year, 4.25 Mills Property Tax Continuation for improving, maintaining and operating public libraries in Acadia Parish. |
Yes |
1570 | 64.50% |
No | 864 | 35.50% |
Official Results for the July 17, 2004 election are as follows:
1/2% Sales Tax for School Board EmployeesSummary: Authority to levy and collect an additional one-half percent (1/2%) sales and use tax to be used exclusively for the purpose of supplementing the salaries of all school board employees, except for the superintendent, and board members, including the payment of benefits directly related to the salary supplement funded by the tax. |
Yes |
4970 | 55.64% |
No | 3963 | 44.36% |
10 Yr. 2.08 Mills for District 7 School Board (Tax Continuation)Summary: 10 Year, 2.08 mills tax continuation for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving public school facilities in the district, the said funds to be specifically dedicated to the Basile High School Athletic Department for coaches’ salaries, equipment, transportation, and any and all other legitimate purposes of said department. |
Yes |
56 | 61.54% |
No | 35 | 38.46% |
Official Results for the September 18, 2004 election are as follows:
3rd District Court of Appeal – Div. B (Multi-parish) |
Thomas K. “Tom” Regan |
3180 | 32.44% |
“Jimmy” Genovese | 2833 | 28.90% |
Paul deMahy | 2518 | 25.69% |
“Francie” Bouillion | 1272 | 12.98% |
City of Eunice – City Marshall (Multi-parish) |
Terry J. Darbonne |
63 | 53.85% |
Charles “Brother” Atchison | 34 | 29.06% |
Jimmie E. Edwards | 12 | 10.26% |
Ronnie Valenta | 8 | 6.84% |
Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 – Marriage AmendmentSummary: To provide that marriage in this state shall consist of the union of one man and one woman, that legal incidents of marriage shall not be conferred on a member of any union other than such union, and that the state shall not validate or recognize a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals or any marriage contracted in any other jurisdiction which in not the union of one man and one woman. (Adds Article XII, Section 15) |
For |
8681 | 85.70% |
Against | 1448 | 14.30% |
10 Yr. 8.89 Mills Second Ward Gravity Drainage in District 2 (Tax Continuation)Summary: 10 Year, 8.89 Mills Property Tax Continuation for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating gravity drainage works within and for the district. |
Yes |
300 | 67.42% |
No | 145 | 32.58% |
10 Yr. 5.12 Mills for Bayou Plaquemine and Wikoff Drainage District (Tax Continuation)Summary: 10 Year, 5.12 mills tax continuation for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating gravity drainage works within the district. |
Yes |
800 | 65.04% |
No | 430 | 34.96% |
Official Results for the November 2, 2004 election are as follows:
President and Vice President for the United States of America (Nationwide) |
John Kerry & John Edwards Democratic Party |
8937 | 35.42% |
George W. Bush & Dick Cheney Republican Party | 16083 | 63.75% |
Mike Peroutka & Chuck Baldwin Constitution Party | 27 | 0.11% |
Michael Badnarik & Campagna Libertarian Party | 28 | 0.11% |
David Cobb & Patricia LaMarche Louisiana Green Party | 18 | 0.07% |
Gene Amondson & Leroy Pletten Prohibition | 8 | 0.03% |
Walt Brown & Mary Herbert Protecting Working Families | 18 | 0.07% |
James Harris & Margaret Trowe Socialist Workers Party | 9 | 0.04% |
Ralph Nader & Peter Camejo The Better Life | 102 | 0.40% |
United States Senator (Statewide) |
Richard M. Fontanesi |
193 | 0.77% |
R.A. “Skip” Galan | 66 | 0.26% |
“Chris” John | 13401 | 53.44% |
John Kennedy | 1045 | 4.17% |
Sam Houston Melton, Jr. | 41 | 0.16% |
Arthur A. Morrell | 140 | 0.56% |
David Vitter | 10193 | 40.64% |
U.S. Representative – 7th Congressional District (Multi-parish) |
Charles Boustany, Jr. |
10900 | 43.92% |
Malcolm R. Carriere | 447 | 1.80% |
“Don” Cravins | 6336 | 25.53% |
Willie Landry Mount | 4470 | 18.01% |
David Thibodeaux | 2666 | 10.74% |
Judge, Court of Appeal – 3rd Circuit, Division B (Multi-parish) |
Paul deMahy |
9377 | 40.41% |
“Jimmy” Genovese | 13825 | 59.59% |
City of Eunice – City Marshall (Multi-parish) |
Terry J. Darbonne |
119 | 79.33% |
Jimmie E. Edwards | 31 | 20.67% |
Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 – Right to Hunt, Fish, & TrapSummary: To Guarantee the right of every citizen to hunt, fish and trap, subject to regulation, restriction, or prohibition as provided by law. (Adds Article I, Section 27) |
For |
18225 | 85.27% |
Against | 3148 | 14.73% |
Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 – Homestead Exemption & LimitationsSummary: To provide that homestead exempt property is limited to property owned and occupied by the owners; to provide for land classified and assessed at use value; to provide that a field which qualifies for a homestead exemption may have timber on it; to prohibit granting the homestead exemption to bond for deed property unless granted before June 20, 2003; to explicitly prohibit more than one homestead exemption applying to any person; and to require the homestead exemption to extend to the following: (1) The surviving spouse when the homestead is occupied by the surviving spouse and title to it is in the surviving spouse’s name as owner of any interest or as usufructuary, or in the name of a testamentary trust established for the benefit of the surviving spouse or he descendants, or to the former spouse when the homestead is occupied by the former spouse and title to it is in the name of either or both of the former spouses. (2) Property owned by an irrevocable trust when the principal beneficiary or beneficiaries are the settlor or settlors of the trust and were the immediate prior owners of the homestead, and the homestead is occupied as such by a principal beneficiary. (3) Property where the usufruct has been granted to no more than two usufructuaries who occupy the homestead and who were the immediate prior owners of the homestead. (4) A natural person or persons and to an irrevocable trust created by a natural person or persons in which the beneficiaries of the trust are a natural person or persons if the criteria above is otherwise satisfied. (5) Property owned, limited to the pro rata ownership interest of the person occupying the homestead unless provided otherwise above. (Amends Article VII, Section 20(A)) |
For |
16715 | 76.59% |
Against | 5108 | 23.41% |
Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 – Eligibility for Veterans for Civil ServiceSummary: To provide that persons who served honorably in the armed forces of the United States for at least ninety days after September 11, 2001, for reasons other than training are eligible for the veterans’ five-point preference for original state police service employment or original civil service employment by the state, by the city of New Orleans, or by any other civil service system governed by the same provisions of the constitution; to provide that persons who served honorably in the armed forces of the United States during a war declared by the United States Congress are eligible for the veterans’ five-point preference for original state police service employment; and to permit the legislature to provide for the addition of war periods or armed conflicts for such eligibility by state law enacted by a two-thirds vote. (Amends Article X, Sections 10(A)(2) and 48(A)(2)) |
For |
17171 | 77.85% |
Against | 4885 | 22.15% |
Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 – LA Farmers & Fisherman’s Support for IndustrySummary: To authorize the legislature to provide by law for programs to assist Louisiana farmers and fishermen with support and expansion of their industries; to establish the Agricultural and Seafood Products Support Fund as a special fund in the state treasury; to provide for the sources of monies in the fund to be from the licensing of trademarks or labels for use in promoting Louisiana agricultural and seafood products, grants, gifts, donations received by the state, any other revenues as provided for by law, and monies appropriated by the legislature to the fund; and to provide for sources of monies in the fund and use of monies appropriated from the fund for assistance to Louisiana farmers and fishermen. (Adds Article VII, Section 10.12) |
For |
14691 | 67.20% |
Against | 7170 | 32.80% |
Proposition #1 – 10 Year 1.5 Mills Property Tax for SeniorsSummary: 10 Year, 1-1/2 Mills Property Tax for the purpose of providing funds to match federal and state funds allocated to Acadia Parish for services to the elderly including the establishment and maintenance of centers for senior citizens. Shall the Parish of Acadia, State of Louisiana (the “Parish”), be authorized to levy a one and one-half (1 1/2) mills tax on all the property subject to taxation in the Parish for a period often (10) years, beginning with the year 2005 and ending with the year 2014, for the purpose of providing funds to match federal and state funds allocated to Acadia Parish for services to the elderly, including the establishment and maintenance of centers for senior citizens. |
Yes |
11232 | 50.84% |
No | 10859 | 49.16% |
Official Results for the December 4, 2004 election are as follows:
U.S. Representative – 7th Congressional District (Multi-parish) |
Charles Boustany, Jr. |
7526 | 63.46% |
Willie Landry Mount | 4334 | 36.54% |