What Can We Help You With Today?

Please Note:

We cannot respond to specific or general legal questions or issues. We can only respond to specific questions about the Acadia Parish Clerk of Court.
The Acadia Parish Clerk of Court is open Monday – Friday, except legal holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Acadia Parish Courthouse is located on the court circle on main street in downtown Crowley. For further information, you can call us at (337)788-8881.
Fax Numbers
Fax number for Civil, Family Court, Criminal, Non-support, Record Room, Marriage Department, Accounting, and Appeals is 337-783-3855.
Fax number for Administration, Conveyances, Mortgages, Miscellaneous, IT Department, Elections, and Vital Records is 337-788-1048.
The services that we provide to the general public are divided between different departments. Different departments throughout the courthouse process a wide range of information. On staff, we have competent and knowledgeable people to assist you in finding the right information as well as the ability to electronically process legal documentation. You will find that this allows us to serve you with personal service and in a professional manner.
Located on the right is a listing of each department within the Clerk of Court office. For your benefit, you will find a description of what that department handles on a daily basis. All fees for any particular transaction or recording will be located on the “Fee & Online Access” tab.
Mailing Addresses:
Acadia Parish Clerk of Court
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527-0922
Acadia Parish Police Jury
P.O. Box A
Crowley, LA 70527-6001
Clerk's Office Information
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Fax 1st Floor: (337) 783-3855
Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Office Location
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Phone : (337)788-8881 | Fax 1st Floor:(337) 783-3855 | Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm