Commissioner School
For testing link, please select button below:
- Lock-out information (This pertains to certain people being able to vote on certain things at a particular poll).
- Instructions on opening and closing of polls.
- Reviewing responsibilities of being a commissioner or commissioner-in-charge.
- Handing out of commissioner slips for that election.
- Providing test for commissioners and commissioners-in-charge who need to re-certify.
- Passing out of Sample Ballots.
- Guidelines for voter requirements.
- Open discussion on any questions.
These schools are open to the public. If you would like to attend, you can contact either the Registrar of Voter’s Office at (337)788-8841 or the Clerk of Court’s Office at (337)788-8881 for dates and locations.
You may qualify as a commissioner by taking an open book written test. To obtain an exam, you can contact the Clerk of Court for more information.
Qualifications to be a Commissioner-in-Charge are as follows:
- A qualified voter who is not entitled to assistance in voting and is not a candidate in the election may be selected as a commissioner in any precinct of the ward where he/she is registered to vote, except pursuant to R.S. 18:434(B) and (D) (Louisiana Revised Statutes Election Code) in which case you may be selected as a commissioner in any precinct of the parish where you are registered to vote.
- No person shall be selected as a commissioner in a precinct in which a member of your immediate family is a candidate for election to public office.
- No person who has been convicted of an election offense enumerated in Chapter 1o of this Title shall serve as a commissioner.
- A person shall not serve as a commissioner, except pursuant to R.S. 18:434(D) (Louisiana Revised Statutes Election Code), unless he has attended a course of instruction for commissioners, has received a certificate of instruction during the term of office of the Clerk who conducted the school, and has provided their correct party affiliation to the Clerk. A commissioner who has received this certificate shall be classified as a certified commissioner. A commissioner selected pursuant to R.S. 18:434(D) (Louisiana Revised Statutes Election Code), who has not been issued such a certificate, shall be classified as an uncertified commissioner.
The commissioners shall conduct primary and general elections at each polling place, shall enforce the election laws, and shall maintain order at the polling place during the election and the processing of vote tabulation at their particular poll.
A commissioner shall not electioneer, engage in political discussions, unnecessarily delay a voter at the polling place, or prepare a list of persons voting at the polling place other than the official poll lists.
On election day, before a commissioner enters upon the performance of their duties, they shall take the constitutional oath or affirmation. The Commissioner-in-Charge shall administer the oath.
Compensation. A commissioner who serves at the polling place on election day and who has received a certificate of instruction as provided in R.S. 18:431(A) (Louisiana Revised Statutes Election Code) shall receive $200. A commissioner who serves at a polling place on election day and who has received a certificate of instruction as provided in R.S. 18:431(B) (Louisiana Revised Statutes Election Code) shall receive $250. An uncertified commissioner who serves at the polling place on election day shall receive $100.
We’re Ready to Help You

Clerk's Office Information
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Fax 1st Floor: (337) 783-3855
Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Office Location
500 NE Court Circle
Crowley, LA 70526
P.O. Box 922
Crowley, LA 70527
Phone : (337)788-8881 | Fax 1st Floor:(337) 783-3855 | Fax 2nd Floor: (337) 788-1048
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm